1. I have a loving Saviour,
I give Him praise each day,
For how He leads and guides me
Along the narrow way,
I love His tender mercies,
I love His tender care,
For every time I need Him,
I know that He'll be there
Chorus: I praise Him in the valley,
I praise Him all day long,
And when I'm on the mountain top
He gives my heart a song.
I'm trusting in my Saviour,
Yes each and every day,
I'm praising Him forever
As I walk the narrow way.
2. He's coming some glad morning
To take this pilgrim home,
I'll gather with the angels,
And sing redemption songs,
I'll praise Him through the ages
Throughout eternity,
For all is love and mercy,
That He has shown to me.
A Loving Saviour
