1. It was darkness in the land,Fit for neither beast nor man,Brightness came at His command;Then came Emmanuel.Chorus: Then came EmmanuelThen came EmmanuelJesus came and
Month: July 2024

That’s When I Need To PrayThat’s When I Need To Pray
1. When I look at this old worldAnd see lost souls astrayThat's heading down that lost highwayThat's when I need to pray.Chorus: That's when I

You Ought To Be A MissionaryYou Ought To Be A Missionary
1. There are Christian workers goingTo lands both far and near;They're giving out the gospelFor everyone to hear;They're working for the saviourFor the time is

No More Than I Can BearNo More Than I Can Bear
1. Oh sometimes the load gets heavy;As along life's road I trod;And sometimes I ask the question,Why me? Oh Lord my God.Then the answer came

My Guilty PleaMy Guilty Plea
In a courtroom not far away,The righteous judge looked at me and said:"You're charged with sin in the first degree.Now tell me son, what will

Who Can Understand?Who Can Understand?
1. Who can understand, who can understand,The thunder and the power of God?Who can understand, who can understand,The thunder and the power of God?Chorus: If

Not By Bread AloneNot By Bread Alone
1. Man shall not live by bread alone;Man shall not live by bread alone;Man shall not live by bread alone;But by every word, by every