1. Oh sometimes the load gets heavy;
As along life's road I trod;
And sometimes I ask the question,
Why me? Oh Lord my God.
Then the answer came so softly,
With these words I love to hear;
I will never put upon you
Any more than you can bear.
Chorus: No, I'll never put upon you
Any more than you can bear
For you know that I still love you
And your burdens I still share
So just lift your eyes to heaven
And see Jesus standing there
For He'll never put upon you
Any more than you can bear.
2. Oh, our saviour bore our burdens
On the cross of Calvary
When He died, He bled and suffered
For our sins to set us free;
So we never nee to worry
Burdened down with fears and care
For He'll never put upon us
Any more than we can bear.
No More Than I Can Bear
