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When Adam Was Created

1 When Adam was created he dwelt in Eden’s shade, As Moses has related, before a bride was made.
Ten thousand times ten thousand creatures dwelt around Before a bride was formed or any helpmeet found.
2 He had no conversation, he seemed like one alone. Till at his consternation he found he’d lost a bone. Great was his admiration when first he saw his bride. Great was his adoration to see her by his side.
3 He spoke like one in rapture: I know from whence she
came ; From my left side extracted, and woman is her name.’ This seems to be one reason why man should love his
bride, A part of his own body, the product of his side.
4 This woman was not taken from Adam’s head, we know, And she must not rule over him. ’tis evidently so.
This woman was not taken from Adam’s feet, we see. And he must not abuse her, the meaning seems to be.
5 This woman was extracted from under Adam’s arm. And she must be protected from injury and harm; This woman was extracted from near to Adam’s heart. By which we are directed that they should never part.
6 Here’s counsel to the bridegroom and counsel to the bride: Let not this loaded volume be ever laid aside.
The book that’s called the Bible be sure you don’t neglect. In every sense of duty it will you both direct.
7 To you, most noble bridegroom, to you I lay aside.
Be sure to live a Christian, and for your house provide. Avoid all contentions, sow not the seed of strife; That is the solemn duty of every man and wife.

Possibly written by William H. Bozarth (1818), The earliest I can tell of this song being referenced is mid-18th century

I obtained my copy from Frank C. Browns Collection of North Carolina Folklore Volume 3. No sheet music from Professor Brown was given in this seven volume collection for this specific song.

But Professor Brown did reference two older works, collections of songs from England.

One is “Ballads and songs of the peasantry of England by James Henry Dixon, 1864” (link below)

Ballads and songs of the peasantry of England, taken down from oral recitation and transcribed from private manuscripts, rare broadsides and scarce publications

Another referenced by Professor Brown is:

Songs and ballads of the West : a collection made from the mouths of the people Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine) 1891″

This book provides sheet music for this older version of this song.

The original English Version of this song.
Lyrics From The Frank C Brown Collection